Our Local Church’s Presbyterian Beliefs
At Riverview Presbyterian Church, we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We acknowledge His death and resurrection and are grateful for the forgiveness that God blessed us with through His holy sacrifice.
Faith-Rooted in the Teachings of Jesus Christ
Our church’s Presbyterian beliefs in Fort Mill, SC, are centered on a deep understanding of the Holy Scripture. We study the Bible as our guide for faith and practice and encourage praying to God for guidance.
Love and Service
Jesus says, “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength…and love your neighbor as yourself. On this, hang all the law and the prophets.” The Holy Scripture tells us that Jesus “came not to be served but to serve others.” Because love and service are central in the Holy Scripture, we seek to make them central to who we are as God’s people as part of our Presbyterian beliefs.

Nurturing Spirituality
Riverview Presbyterian Church strives to make our congregation gatherings a time when people can nurture their spirituality and seek God together as a community. Questions are welcomed and encouraged. Although no one has all the answers, we strive to find the answers as a community and work out our faith on our own.

Proud to Be Part of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Commonly referred to as PCUSA, the national Presbyterian Church (USA) is historically Calvinist. They have official stances on various topics but don’t require individuals to agree with these views. The PCUSA allows local churches to work out our faith for ourselves.
The PCUSA’s Rich History of Studying the Holy Scripture
For years, the PCUSA has been providing Christ’s followers with all the God-given tools to study and understand the Bible. They even require their pastors to spend significant time studying theology and the original languages of the Holy Scripture. Their PCUSA’s Book of Confessions is a valuable resource, on par with the writings of many faithful men and women through the ages.